- 心理学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 可教的弱智者 educable retardate
- 教育 educate
- 奖惩教育 education by rewardandpunishment
- 教育评价 education evaluation
- 残疾儿童教育 education for crippled child
- 缺陷儿童教育 education for defective child
- 低能儿童教育 education for disabled child
- 天才儿童教育 education for gifted children
- 性教育 education for human sexuality
- 母性教育 education for motherhood
- 因材施教 education in accordance with individual differences
- 青春期教育 education of adolescence
- 意志教育 education of will
- 教育加速制 educational acceleration
- 教育行政管理 educational administration
- 教育年龄 educational age
- 教育与心理测量 Educational and Psychological Measurement
- 教育人类学 educational anthropology
- 教育抱负 educational aspiration
- 教育评估 educational assessment
- 视听教具 educational audiovisual aid
- 教育时尚 educational band wagon
- 教育咨询 educational counseling
- 教育决定论 educational determinism
- 教育诊断测验 Educational Diagnostic Test