- 心理学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 去个性化 deindividuation
- 似曾听闻症似曾听闻症 deja entendu
- 似曾实践症似曾实践症 deja eprouve
- 似曾听说症 deja raconte
- 似曾经历症 deja vecu
- 似曾相识 deja vu
- 似曾相识体验 deja vu experience
- 使沮丧 deject
- 沮丧 dejection
- 丘脑综合症 Dejerine Roussy syndrome
- 断奶 delactation
- 延迟 delay
- 延迟作用 delay action
- 延迟去极化 delay depolarization
- 强化的延迟 delay in reinforcement
- 延後享乐延後享乐 delay of gratification
- 满足延迟满足延迟 delay of gratification
- 延迟研究 delay study
- 延阻治疗法延阻治疗法 delay therapy
- 延长的青年期 delayed adolescence
- 延迟交替反应 delayed alternation response
- 延缓听觉反馈 delayed auditory feedback
- 延迟古典条件作用 delayed classical conditioning
- 延迟同感 delayed common feeling
- 延迟条件反射 delayed conditioned reflex