- 科学教育词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 定义 definition
- 非人性化 dehumanization
- 延宕制约 delay conditioning
- 延宕回馈技术 delay in feedback techniques
- 延宕保留效应 delay iretention effect
- 延宕听觉回馈 delayed auditory feedback
- 怀德术 Delphi method
- 妄想 delusion
- 人口统计学 demography
- 演示 demonstration
- 示范教师 demonstration teacher
- 密度 density
- 示范矩阵 density matrix
- 牙科学 dentistry
- 牙科医师 dentistry
- 系主任 department chairman
- 农业部 department of agriculture
- 视听教学学系 department of audiovisual nstruction
- 生物学系 department of biology
- 化学工程学系 department of chemical eagineering
- 化学学系 department of chemistry
- 地球科学学系 department of earth science
- 教育学系 department of education
- 农业经济学系 department of gricultural economics
- 卫生教育学系 department of health education