- 普通心理学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 落后 Retardation
- 保持 Retention
- 保持力 Retentiveness,retentivity
- 保持力 Retentivikty,retentiveness
- 双像差异 Retinal disparity
- 纲膜像 Retinal image(Syn. Retinal picture)
- 纲膜像 Retinal picture(Syn. Retinal image)
- 双像竞争 Retinal rivalry (Syn. Binocular rivalry)
- 倒摄的 Retroactive
- 倒摄遗忘 Retroactive amnesia
- 倒摄联想 Retroactive association
- 倒摄助长 Retroactive facilitation
- 倒摄抑制 Retroactive inhibition
- 回省 Retrospection
- 回指 Retrospective reference
- 遐想 Reverie,revery
- 两可远视 Reversible perspective
- 遐想 Revery,reverie
- 对流向动 Rheotropism
- 节奏 Rhythm
- 注意节奏 Rhythm of attention
- 正误法 Right and wrong cases mehtod of
- 右手性 Righthandedness
- 端体反应 Righting response
- 双像竞争 Rivalry/binocular(Syn. Retinal rivalry)