- 普通心理学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 最短可觉时间 Least perceptible duration
- 左手性 Left-handedness
- 注意层 Level of attention or attention level
- 顺应层 Level/adjustment
- 注意层 Level/attention or level of attention
- 记忆层 Level/memory
- 欲力 Libido
- 自我欲力 Libido/ego
- 求生本能 Life instinct
- 对光适应 Light adaptation(Syn. Photopic adaptation)
- 光觉 Light sensation
- 对光适应眼 Light-adapted eye
- 光诱导 Light-induction
- 绝对阈限 Limen or threshold/absolute
- 相对阈限 Limen or threshold/relative
- 感觉阈限 Limen or threshold/sense (or sensory)
- 阈限 Limen(Syn. Threshold)
- 差别阈限 Limen/difference or differential
- 差别阈限 Limen/differential or difference
- 下阴感受性 Liminal sensitivity(LS)
- 聪觉极限 limit/audibility
- 生理极限 Limit/physiological
- 练习极限 Limit/practice
- 时间限度 Limit/time
- 工作限度 Limit/work