- 普通心理学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 欣赏 Appreciation
- 领会 Apprehension
- 领会广度 Apprehension/span of
- 接近反应 Approaching response(Syn. Adient response)
- 能力倾向 Aptitude
- 反射弧 Arc or circuit/reflex
- 感觉运动弧 Arc/sensorimotor
- 发展的停滞 Arrest of development
- 关节感觉 Articular sensation(Syn. Joint sensation)
- 超越 Ascendance
- 乐音声 Asonia(Syn. Music or tone deafness)
- 自炫 Asscption/self (Syn. Self display)
- 同化 Assimilation
- 同化错觉 Assimilative illusion
- 同化学习 Assimilative learning
- 副学习 Associate learning
- 联合点 Associate points
- 联络运动 Associated movements
- 对聊 Associates/paired
- 联想,联合 Association
- 接近联想 Association by contiguity
- 对比联想 Association by contrast
- 类似联想 Association by similarity
- 联合中枢 Association centre
- 联想律 Association law