- 建筑专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 防辐射墙 radiation shield wall
- 暖气片 radiator
- 散热崎合 radiator grouping
- 散热僻 radiator valve
- 散热气阀 radiator vent cock
- 半径 radius
- 曲率半径 radius of curvature
- 旋转半径 radius of gyration
- 影响半径 radius of influence
- 耐火混凝土 rafractory concrete
- 基板 raft
- 板式基础 raft foundation
- 椽条 rafter
- 椽条连接 rafter connection
- 人字木屋顶 rafter roof
- 棘螺栓 rag bolt
- 楼板搁栅 raglin
- 钢轨;支架 rail
- 带扶手的梯子 rail ladder
- 轨条钢配筋 rail steel reinforcement
- 铁路线路 rail track
- 栏杆 railings
- 铁道 railroad
- 铁路建策物 railroad building
- 铁路建筑 railroad construction