- 建筑专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 正力矩 positive moment
- 正反力 positive reaction
- 正钢筋 positive reinforcement
- 接线柱 post
- 梁柱结构 post and beam construction
- 梁柱结构 post and beam structure
- 立柱镶板式结构 post and panel structure
- 弯曲后强度 post buckling strength
- 开裂后强度 post cracking strength
- 柱基脚 post footing
- 邮局 post office
- 支柱 post shore
- 后张法预应力混凝土 post stressed concrete
- 后张拉单元 post tension unit
- 后张拉结构 post tensioned construction
- 后张拉钢筋 post tensioned steel
- 后张拉 post tensioning
- 后张拉椎现场记录 post tensioning field log
- 壶形结构 pot construction
- 壶形楼面 pot floor
- 洗涤盆 pot sink
- 饮水供给 potable water supply
- 潜力 potential
- 位势水头 potential head
- 窝穴 pothole