- 建筑专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 混凝土气力输送 pneumatic conveying of concrete
- 气动输送设备 pneumatic conveying system
- 空气钻 pneumatic drill
- 风动给料 pneumatic feed
- 气力升降机 pneumatic hoist
- 气压桩锤 pneumatic pile hammer
- 充气结构 pneumatic structure
- 气压试验 pneumatic test
- 气动工具 pneumatic tool
- 喷射灰浆 pneumatically applied mortar
- 气动混凝土灌注机 pneumatically operated concrete placer
- 气动卸货门 pneumatically operated discharge gate
- 喷混凝土 pneumatically placed concrete
- 袋状滤器 pocket filter
- 点 point
- 塔式高层住宅 point block
- 集中荷载 point load
- 酌点 point of application
- 拐点 point of contraflexure
- 支点 point of support
- 零力矩点 point of zero moment
- 尖拱 pointed arch
- 三角形檐饰 pointed pediment
- 泊松比 poisson's ratio
- 插入式振捣器 poker vibrator