- 建筑专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 浇灌混凝土 placement of concrete
- 铺设 placing
- 灌筑吊杆 placing boom
- 浇灌混凝土 placing of concrete
- 灌筑次序 placing sequence
- 灌筑列车 placing train
- 普通钢筋 plain bars
- 清水泥 plain cement
- 无筋混凝土 plain concrete
- 无筋混凝土柱 plain concrete column
- 素混凝土结构 plain concrete construction
- 实腹梁 plain girder
- 设计图 plan
- 平面图 plan view
- 平面;刨子 plane
- 水平断面 plane cross section
- 平面桁架 plane frame
- 弯曲平面 plane of bending
- 破坏面 plane of failure
- 投影面 plane of projection
- 切面 plane of section
- 剪断面 plane of shear
- 对称面 plane of symmetry
- 薄弱截面 plane of weakness
- 平断面假定 plane sections hypothesis