- 建筑专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 受弯承载能力 flexural capacity
- 弯曲裂纹 flexural cracking
- 挠性构件 flexural member
- 抗挠刚度 flexural rigidity
- 抗挠刚度 flexural stiffness
- 抗弯强度 flexural strength
- 弯曲应力 flexural stress
- 挠曲 flexure
- 挠曲曲线 flexure curve
- 阶梯步级 flight
- 链板传送带 flight conveyor
- 阶梯步级 flight of stairs
- 楼梯阶段 flight of steps
- 跌落式排水管道 flight sewer
- 楼梯阶段板 flight slab
- 粗加工大木料 flitch
- 组合板梁 flitch beam
- 组合板梁 flitch girder
- 抹灰子;浮标 float
- 三层涂抹 float and set
- 抹光 float finish
- 浮标 float gage
- 磨光平板玻璃 float glass
- 悬浮脚手架 float scaffold
- 浮式隔汽具 float steam trap