- 建筑专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 横木把手 bail handle
- 烧结砖 baked brick
- 烧搪瓷装修 baked enamel finish
- 酚醛尸水泥 bakelite cement
- 烧成 baking
- 平衡 balance
- 平衡压力 balance pressure
- 平衡贮水池 balance storage
- 平衡悬臂架设法 balanced cantilever method
- 胶合板平衡结构 balanced construction of plywood
- 平衡式通风 balanced draught
- 填挖平衡的土方工程 balanced earthworks
- 吊挂装配 balanced erection
- 吸引力配平的烟道 balanced flue
- 平衡烟道热风供热设备 balanced flue heater
- 平横闸门 balanced gate
- 平衡负载 balanced load
- 均衡矩 balanced moment
- 均衡配筋 balanced reinforcement
- 平衡通风系统 balanced ventilation system
- 平衡蝶 balancing
- 应力平衡 balancing of stresses
- 第水库 balancing reservoir
- 阳台 balcony
- 阳台门 balcony door