- 建筑专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 弹性地基梁 beam on elastic foundation
- 梁侧面 beam sides
- 梁钢筋 beam steel
- 梁间结合 beam to beam connection
- 梁间刚性结合 beam to beam moment connection
- 梁柱结合 beam to column connection
- 震动梁式振捣器 beam vibrator
- 悬臂梁 beam with overhangs
- 无梁楼板结构 beamless slab construction
- 最大承受负荷 bearable load
- 承木 bearer
- 轴承 bearing
- 支撑钢筋 bearing bar
- 承载层 bearing bed
- 承重块 bearing block
- 承载能力 bearing capacity
- 承载构件 bearing carrier
- 承重层 bearing course
- 支承长度 bearing length
- 承重隔墙 bearing partition
- 承重桩 bearing pile
- 承重板 bearing plate
- 支承压力 bearing pressure
- 支承应力 bearing stress
- 承载结构 bearing structure