- 建筑专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 公共住宅 apartment house
- 走廊通路公寓房屋 apartment house of corridor access
- 孔口 aperture
- 门口 aperture of door
- 窗口 aperture of window
- 顶点 apex
- 顶石 apex block
- 顶石 apex stone
- 仪器装置 apparatus
- 假凝聚力 apparent cohesion
- 表观密度 apparent density
- 表观弹性极限 apparent elastic limit
- 表观弹性范围 apparent elastic range
- 外貌 appearance
- 使用稠度 application consistency
- 使用寿命 application life
- 施力 application of a force
- 加载 application of load
- 屋顶油毡涂装 application of roofing felt
- 太阳能的利用 application of solar energy
- 酌点 application point
- 涂装技术 application techniques
- 半柱 applied column
- 外施荷载 applied load
- 外施力矩 applied moment