- 工程英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 重新估价 re-assessment
- 重收土地 re-enter upon the land
- 重收物业 re-entered property
- 内角 re-entrant
- [land] 重收〔土地〕 re-entry
- 重收已批租土地 re-entry on leased land
- 重建工程 re-erection works
- 重新出租 re-let
- [commercial tenant] 转租权利〔商业租户〕 re-letting right
- 重铺天台及隔热工程 re-roofing and insulation works
- 重新拨用临屋区 re-use of a temporary housing area
- 重新转归政府 re-vested in the government
- 预拌混凝土 ready-mix concrete
- 预拌混凝土机;预拌混凝土厂 ready-mix plant
- 地产;不动产 real estate
- 地产代理人 real estate agent
- 地产发展商 real estate developer
- 香港地产建设商会 Real Estate Developers' Association of Hong Kong
- 土地财产 real property
- 重新定线;重划界线 realignment
- 尾房 rear cubicle
- 有合理实益用途 reasonably beneficial use
- 重新装配 reassembling
- 重建 rebuild
- 重新校准 recalibrate