- 工程英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 喉管式气体供应系统 piped gas supply system
- 气体燃料导管输送系统 piped-gas distribution
- 管道;管线 pipeline
- 管道预留地 pipeline reserve
- 喉管 pipework
- 喉管 piping
- 活塞取土器 piston sample
- 坑槽 pit
- 井槽盖 pit cover
- 坑厕 pit latrine
- 斜度;间距 pitch
- 斜顶;斜尖屋顶 pitched roof
- 砌石护坡防波堤 pitched slope breakwater
- 砌石护坡海堤 pitched slope seawall
- 在斜坡开辟的洞口 pits on slope
- 孔蚀;点蚀 pitting
- 公众聚会场所 place of public assembly
- 公众娱乐场所 place of public entertainment
- 文娱活动场所 place of recreation and culture
- 素混凝土 plain concrete
- 光面管状栏杆 plain tubular railing
- 制图者 plan-maker
- 制图过程 plan-making process
- 平刨 plane
- 刨刀 plane cutter