- 工程英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 防止山泥倾泻计划 Landslip Preventive Measures Programme
- [Civil Engineering Department] Landslip Preventive Measures Section
- 山泥倾泻预防工程 landslip preventive works
- 山泥倾泻补救工程 landslip remedial works
- 山泥倾泻残痕;滑坡残痕;崩塌残痕 landslip scar
- 山泥倾泻警报 landslip warning
- 山泥倾泻警报系统;滑坡警报系统 landslip warning system
- 车道方向指示信号 lane direction control signal
- 大屿山港口及西部海港发展研究 Lantau Port and Western Harbour Development Studies
- 大屿山港口发展第一期工程 Lantau Port Development--Stage 1
- 搭接 lap
- 搭接长度 lap length
- 大直径螺旋钻孔桩 large diameter bored pile
- [Type C Commercial Centre] 本区商场〔丙类商场〕 large neighbourhood centre
- 大墙板建造法;大模板建造法 large panel construction
- 外墙镶嵌大模壳 large panel framework
- [rating and valuation] 大型单位〔差饷估价分类〕 large unit
- 大比例地图 large-scale mapping
- 碰锁;弹簧锁 latch
- 潜在的建筑缺陷;潜在的建筑瑕疵 latent defect
- 侧向变形;横向变形 lateral deformation
- 横向尺寸 lateral dimension
- 侧向土压力;横向土压力 lateral earth pressure
- 侧向力;横向力 lateral force
- 侧向荷载;横向荷载 lateral load