- 工程英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 绝缘层 insulation lagging
- 绝缘护套 insulation sleeve
- 隔音工程 insulation works
- 工程及承建商设备的保险;工程及承办商设备的保险 insurance of works and contractor's equipment
- 完整岩石 intact rock
- 入伙;入住 intake
- 入伙年期 intake period
- 房屋资料综合系统 Integrated Housing Information System
- 房屋及土地供应综合资料系统 Integrated Information System on Housing and Land Supply
- 新界西北综合规划及发展研究 Integrated Planning and Development Studies on Northwest New Territories
- 房屋管理综合系统 Integrated System for Housing Management
- 无损试验;完整性测试 integrity test
- “智慧型”大厦 intelligent building
- 预期楼宇寿命 intended building life
- [squatter control] 加强巡逻区〔寮屋管制〕 intensive patrol area
- 在世时的转易 inter vivos conveyance
- 寮屋区之间的搬迁活动 inter-squatter area movement
- 泥夹层 interburden layer
- 截水沟 intercepting channel
- 截水沟 intercepting ditch
- 截水沟 intercepting drain
- 截流污水渠 interceptor sewer
- 可转作居屋的大厦 interchangeable block
- 土地权益 interest in land
- 对交通及邻近物业的影响 interference with traffic and adjoining properties