- 工程英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 住户开支统计调查 household expenditure survey
- 住户开支 household expenses
- 家庭组织 household formation
- 困难户 household in hardship
- 家庭总入息 household income
- 家庭组织模式;住户组织模式 household pattern
- 住户意向调查 household preference survey
- 家居垃圾 household refuse
- 家庭人数;住户人数;家庭组别 household size
- 家庭组别分布模式 household size distribution pattern
- 家庭组别模式 household size pattern
- 《房委会双月刊》 Housing Authority Bi-monthly
- 房委会款项支付项目 Housing Authority funded item
- 《房委会空气调节及通风系统承办商名册》 Housing Authority List of Air Conditioning and Ventilation Contractors
- 《房屋委员会承建商名册》 Housing Authority List of Building Contractors
- 《房委会电业承办商名册》 Housing Authority List of Electrical Contractors
- 《房委会消防装置及水泵承办商名册》 Housing Authority List of Fire Services and Water Pump Contractors
- 《房委会升降机及自动梯承办商名册》 Housing Authority List of Lift and Escalator Contractors
- 《房委会每月统计资料》 Housing Authority Monthly Digest of Statistics
- 《房委会每季统计报告》 Housing Authority Quarterly Statistic Report
- 房屋委员会常务小组委员会 Housing Authority's Standing Committee
- 房屋福利;房屋资助 housing benefit
- 公屋大厦 housing block
- [Government Secretariat] 房屋局〔政府总部〕 Housing Bureau
- 房屋建设工程基金 Housing Capital Work Fund