- 土木工程编译词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 渗漉率 Rate,percolation
- 升水速率 Rate,rising
- 污水费 Rate,sewage
- 变率 Rate,variable
- 废水费 Rate,wastewater
- 串定槽 Rating flume
- 率定线圈 Rating loop
- 快滤池滤率 Rating,rapid sand filter
- 闭合比 Ratio of closure
- 粗细骨材比 Ratio of coarse to fine aggregate
- 土地利用比 Ratio of land use
- 人口增加率 Ratio of population
- 公用地比率 Ratio of publicuseland
- 钢筋比 Ratio of reinforcement
- 径流比值 Ratio of runoff
- 活性比 Ratio,activity
- 气隙比 Ratio,air-void
- 口径比 Ratio,aperture
- 均衡钢筋比 Ratio,balanced steel
- 底高比 Ratio,base-height
- 压密比 Ratio,consolidation
- 益本比 Ratio,cost benefit
- 临界空隙比 Ratio,critical void
- 截湾比 Ratio,cut-off
- 灾害率 Ratio,damage