- 土木工程编译词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 溢流式溢洪道 Overflow flood spillway
- 溢水管 Overflow pipe
- 溢流串 Overflow rate
- 溢流断面 Overflow section
- 溢流式溢洪道 Overflow spillway
- 不完全隘流 Overflow,incomplete
- 完全溢流 Overflow,perfect
- 外伸梁 Overhanging beam
>向净孔 Overhead clearance - 架空线 Overhead line
- 上向焊接 Overhead position of welding
- 架空输电线 Overhead transmission line
- 漫地流历线 Overland flow hydrograph
- 漫地径流 Overland run-off
- 重迭浪 Overlapped wave
- 覆盖加铺 Overlay
- 雪过熟 Overripening of snow
- 覆式制动器 Overrun brake
- 超拉伸 Overstretching
- 超越车道 Overtaking lane
- 禁止超车线 Overtaking prohibited marking
- 跳波,溢漫波 Overtopping wave
- 自重 Own weight
- 月湖 Oxbow lake
- 氧化沟 Oxidation ditch