- 土木工程编译词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 实测图 Measured drawing
- 容积货物 Measurement cargo
- 容积吨 Measurement ton
- 量计吨位 Measurement tonnage
- 测角 Measurement,angle
- 光学距离测量 Measurement,optical distance
- 测定,量 Measuring
- 目测 Measuring by sight
- 量筒 Measuring cylinder
- 测角 Measuring of angle
- 测柞 Measuring rod
- 测纯 Measuring rope
- 卷尺 Measuring tape
- 量表 Measuring watch
- 机械利益 Mechanical advantage
- 机械曝气 Mechanical aeration
- 机械曝气器 Mechanical aerator
- 机械搅拌 Mechanical agitation
- 机械结合 Mechanical bond
- 机械祛水法 Mechanical dewatering
- 机械土工 Mechanical earth work
- 机械能,力学能 Mechanical energy
- 热功穚q Mechanical equivalent of heat
- 机械施工 Mechanical execution
- 机械联动机 Mechanical interlocking machine