- 土木工程编译词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 死亡率 Death rate
- 死亡期 Death stage
- 卸载 Debarkation
- 江河海峡出口 Debouchure
- 流物锥 Debris cone
- 土石混流 Debris flow
- 颗粒洗涤试睑 Decantation test
- 衰减区 Decay area
- 衰减8F离 Decay distance
- 衰减波 Decay of wave
- 定船位电标 Decca
- 减速车道 Deceleration lane
- 疏散 Decentralization
- 机能分散 Decentralization of function
- 工业分散 Decentralization of industry
- 人口分散 Decentralization of population
- 居住分敞 Decentralization of residence
- 桥面结构 Deck structure
- 铺板 Decking
- 桥面 Deck,floor
- 赤纬潮 Declinational tide
- 黄道倾斜,黄道俯角 Declination,ecliptic
- 赤纬不等 Declinatonal inequality
- 减率 Declining rate
- 分解花冈石 Decomposed granite