- 土木工程编译词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 设计轮重 Design wheel load
- 设计洪水流量 Design-flood discharge
- 交换地指定 Designation of replotting
- 设计水量 Designed duty of water
- 动力设计,动态设计 Design,dynamic
- 弹性设计 Design,elastic
- 极限设计 Design,limit
- 塑性设计 Design,plastic
- 都市设计 Design,urban
- 需求线,期望线 Desire line
- 侵蚀景观 Destructional landscape
- 脱硫 Desulphuration
- 可换钻头 Detachable bit
- 独建住宅 Detached house
- 详图,细节 Detail
- 粗线笔 Detail pen
- 详细规画 Detail planning
- 细部测量 Detail surveying
- 详细计划(细部设计) Detailed plan
- 可检出钻头 Detectable bit
- 电气延时雷管 Detector,electric delay
- 测漏器 Detector,leak
- 光电式车辆感知机 Detector,light sensitive vehicle
- 电磁车辆感知机 Detector,magnetic vehicle
- 瞬发雷竹 Detector,millisecond