- 土木工程编译词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 橡皮化沥青 Asphalt,rubberized
- 补正板 Aspheric plate
- 装配结构 Assembled structure
- 装配示意图 Assembly diagram
- 装配图 Assembly drawing
- 装配记号 Assembly mark
- 土地集合 Assembly of land
- 装接应力 Assembly stress
- 受益费 Assessment,special
- 旅次分派 Assignment,trip
- 涵容能力 Assimilative capacity
- 辅助坡 Assisting grade
- 假定方向角 Assumed azimuth
- 天文望远镜 Astronomical eyepiece
- 天文潮 Astronomical tide
- 平面交叉,平交道 At-grade intersection
- 体育设施 Athletic facility
- 体育场 Athletic field
- 蒸发计 Atmidometer
- 标准大气 Atmosphere,standard colour
- 大气潮 Atmospheric tide
- 十字线照明装置 Attachment,cross-hairs illuminating
- 全断面开挖 Attack,full-face
- 超高之配合 Attainment of superelevation
- 加宽之配合 Attainment of widening