- 土木工程编译词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 输水桥 Aqueduct,canal
- 阻水层 Aquitard
- 可耕地 Arable land
- 电焊钢管 Arc-welded steel pipe
- 拱形支架 Arched timbering
- 建筑美管制 Architectural control
- 建筑设计 Architectural design
- 纪念性建筑 Architectural monument
- 平衡臂式拱 Arch,balanced
- 桁架系拱桥 Arch,braced tied
- 垂曲线拱 Arch,catenary
- 新月拱 Arch,crescent
- 构架拱 Arch,framed
- 静水压拱曲线 Arch,hydrostatic
- 圬工拱 Arch,masonry
- 管拱 Arch,pipe
- 新月形拱 Arch,sickleshaped
- 填腔拱,实腹拱 Arch,solid spandrel
- 填控拱,寅腹拱 Arch,spandrel-filled
- 石拱 Arch,stone
- 涌泉流区 Area of artesian flow
- 井势力圈,井影响区 Area of influence of well
- 变速区 Area speed change
- 面水平测量 Areal levelling
- 美观区 Area,aesthetic