- 水利工程专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 平行船闸 Lock, twin
- 双向船闸 Lock, two way
- 黄土 Loess
- 原生黄土 Loess, primary
- 次生黄土 Loess, secondary
- 水梗 Logging, water
- 流木道 Logway
- 钻孔地层记录 Log, drilling
- 井孔地层记录 Log, well
- 震动损失 Loss due to shock
- 断面骤小损失 Loss due to sudden contraction
- 断面骤大损失 Loss due to sudden enlargement
- 阀损失,开关损失 Loss due to valve
- 管件损失 Loss in fitting
- 弯曲损失 Loss, bend
- 经常洪水损失 Loss, current flood
- 旋涡损失 Loss, eddy
- 能量损失 Loss, energy
- 进口损失 Loss, entrance
- 出口损失 Loss, exit
- 额外损失 Loss, extra
- 洪水损失 Loss, flood
- 摩擦损失 Loss, friction
- 水头损失 Loss, head
- 进水损失 Loss, intake