- 水利工程专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 流,溜 Current
- 流速仪 Current meter
- 旋杯式流速仪 Current meter, cup-type
- 推进式流速仪 Current meter, propeller type
- 流角 Current, angle of
- 沿岸流 Current, coastal
- 水流控制 Current, control of
- 横流 Current, cross
- 异重流 Current, density
- 潜射流 Current, diving
- 风激流 Current, drift
- 退潮流 Current, ebb
- 涡流 Current, eddy
- 涨潮流 Current, flood
- 碎浪流 Current, littoral
- 经常海流 Current, permanent
- 漩潮流 Current, rotary tidal
- 副流 Current, secondary
- 潮流 Current, tidal
- 横流 Current, transverse
- 浮坝 Curtain
- 柳枝浮坝 Curtain of willow
- 木栅浮坝 Curtain, pole retard
- 曲率 Curvature
- 轴向曲度 Curvature, axial