- 工程图学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 塞孔熔接 plug weld
- 錭垂线 plumb [bob] line
- 管钳工 plumbing
- 管钳模板 plumbing template
- 加 plus
- 小刀 pocketknife
- 点 point
- 淬3点 point directrix
- 转向点 point of change in direction
- 接触点 point of contract
- 反曲点 point of inflection
- 交点 point of intersection
- 贯穿点法 point of piercing
- 视点 point of sight
- 切点 point of tangency
- 视点 point of view
- 端视图 point view
- 点熔接 point welding
- 点间距离 point-topoint distance
- 尖顶拱 pointed arch
- 指向 pointing
- 极轴线 polar axis
- 极坐标图表 polar chart
- 极圆 polar circle
- 极坐标纸 polar coordinate paper