- 工程图学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 互相关连几何性质 interrelated geometric characterics
- 旋转剖面 interrelated section
- 截短半径尺寸线 interrupted dimension line of radius
- 间断螺纹 interrupted thread
- 中断视图 interrupted view
- 相交 intersecting
- 相贯体 intersecting body
- 交线 intersecting curve
- 相交线原则 intersecting-line principle
- 交点,交线 intersection
- 面的交线 intersection of surfaces
- 复杂细部 intricate detail
- 倒喇叭接合 inverted flare joint
- 仰视图 inverted plan
- 线 invisible line
- 隐蔽部分 invisible portion
- 影区 invisible shadow
- 渐开线 involute
- 渐开线 involute curve
- 渐开线卤轮 involute gear
- 圆的渐开线 involute of circle
- 五角形的渐开线 involute of pentagon
- 徒手线 irregular boundary line
- 不规则曲线 irregular curve
- 不规则曲线 irregular curved line