- 港埠设施专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 水位计 stage recorder; water stage recorder; water-level indicator
- 换算水位;减低水位 stage reduction
- 平潮;停潮 standing of tide
- 右舷有障碍物警示浮标 starboard obstruction buoy
- 右舷通过浮标 starborad hand buoy
- 出发浮标 starting buoy
- 部位灯;方位灯 station light
- 固定起重机 stationary crane
- 碇泊灯 stay light
- 蒸汽起重机 steam crane; steam driver lift
- 蒸汽驳船 steam lighter
- 钢板沈箱 steel caisson
- 钢筒柱系船桩 steel cylinder dolphin
- 工字型钢桩 steel H shape pile
- 钢桩 steel pile
- 钢系船桩 steel pile dolphin
- 钢桩护舷 steel pile fender
- 钢管排桩岸壁码头 steel pipe bulkhead wharf
- 钢管系船桩 steel pipe pile dolphine
- 钢板与橡胶片黏装成之护舷缓冲设备 steel plates cement to layer of rubber fender buffer
- 倾斜度;陡度 steepness
- 码头工人领班 stevedore foreman
- 船舶装卸 stevedoring
- 装卸设备 stevedoring equipment
- 存货卡 stock card