- 港埠设施专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 堤头 pier head
- 码头费{税} pierage; quay dues; quayage; wharfage
- 打桩机 pile driver
- 打桩 pile driving
- 打桩驳船 pile driving barge
- 拔桩机 pile extractor
- 打桩基础 pile foundation
- 打桩锤 pile hammer
- 柱式浮标 pillar buoy
- 柱式码头 pillar quay
- 引水人作业区域 pilot cruising ground
- 引水人考试 pilot examination
- 引水航路 pilot fairway
- 领港旗;引水旗[号] pilot flag
- 引水人执照 pilot licence
- 引水人纪录簿 pilot record
- 引水规章 pilot rules
- 引示信号;引水人信号 pilot signal
- 引水人轮值簿 pilot turn book
- 尖礁 pinnacle rock
- 钢管排桩式防波堤 pipe-pile type breakwater
- 利用空间计画原则 planning principle of air rights
- 工作配合计画原则 planning principle of coordination of handling and movement
- 直线搬运计画原则 planning principle of straight line
- 塑性流动 plastic flow