进口闸门 intake gate间歇载重 intermittent load水陆联运;一贯性运输作业 intermodal内摩擦角 internal friction angle国际港埠协会 International Association of Ports and Harbors {= IAPH}国际货物装卸协调协会 International Cargo Handling Coordination Association防止海上油污国际公约 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the
Sea by Oil统一船舶碰撞责任规定国定国际公约 International Convention for the Unification of Certain
Rules of Law in Regard to Collision统一海上救助捞救规定国际公约 International Convention for the Unification of Certain
Rules of Law with Respect to Assistance and Salvage at Sea统一船舶优先权及抵押权国际公约 International Convention for the Unification of Certain
Rules Relating to Maritime Liens and Mortgages船舶碰撞事件民事管辖国际公约 International Convention of Certain Rules Converning Civil
Jurisdiction in Matters of Collision处理偷渡人国际公约 International Convention Relating to Stow Away海轮扣押国际公约 International convention Relating to the Arrest of Seagoing Ships
国际禁运 international embargo国际港 international harbor国际劳工局 International Labor Organization国际载重线证书 International Load Line Certificate海上避碰国际规则 International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea国际栈埠营运人员 international terminal operator进口 inward bound入港引水费 inward pilotage压舱铁块 iron ballast; kentledge异形混凝土块 irregular concrete block异型混凝土块消波堤 irregular concrete block breakwater不规则波 irregular wave 语际翻译 版权所有
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