- 港埠设施专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 橡胶与木桩合成护舷 combination of rubber and wood pile fender
- 钢梁橡胶合成护舷 combination of steel beam and rubber fender
- 商业封锁 commercial blockade
- 商用码头;商用船坞 commercial dock
- 商港 commercial port; commercial harbor
- 分潮日 component day
- 合成式防波堤 composite breakwater
- 合成潮 compound tide; resultant tide
- 强制引水 compulsory pilot; compulsory pilotage; mandatory pilotage
- 混凝土块砌码头 concrete block type wharf
- 直壁混凝土块防波堤 concrete block upright breakwater
- 机密海图 confidential chart
- 圆锥形浮标 conical buoy
- 显著目标 conspicuous object
- 固定沙洲 constant bar; permanent bar
- 货柜集散站 container freight station {= CFS}
- 货柜起重机 container handling crane
- 货柜搬运机具 container handling equipment
- 货柜调度场 container marshalling yard; marshalling yard
- 货柜港 container port
- 货柜中心;货柜基地;货柜终点站 container terminal
- 货柜装载货物 containerized cargo
- 雇用合同 contract of employment
- 码头装卸工人 contract stevedore; stevedore
- 货柜拖车 contriner tractor and trailer