- 群论英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 低松弛法 underrelaxation method
- 未定;待定 undetermined
- 未定系数;待定系数 undetermined coefficient
- 待定乘数;未定乘数 undetermined multiplier
- 无向图 undirected graph
- 无扰动微分方程 undisturbed differential equation
- 不等[=inequal] unequal
- 非本性奇点 unessential singularity
- 非偶性 unevenness
- 舒展 unfolding
- 不自由变分 unfree variation
- 变换式的单一性 unicity of transform
- 单一性定理;唯一性定理 unicity theorem
- 单行曲线;有理曲线 unicursal curve
- 单行方程 unicursal equation
- 有理四次曲线;单行四次曲线 unicursal quartic
- 单向讯息流 unidirection flow of information
- 单一因子论 unifactor theory
- 均匀;一致 uniform
- 均匀绝对连续性 uniform absolute continuity
- 均匀代数 uniform algebra
- 一致角速度 uniform angular velocity
- 均匀有界 uniform boundness
- 均匀的界 uniform bounds
- 均匀连续性 uniform continuity