总体 totality完全加性(集函数) totally additive (set function)完全有界的 totally bounded完全连续的 totally continuous完全可微分的 totally differentiable完全不连通的{位相};全不相连{代} totally disconnected完全不连续函数 totally discontinuous function全双曲型微分方程 totally hyperbolic differential equation完全可积的 totally integrable全迷向子空间 totally isotropic subspace完全单调序列 totally monotone sequence全序的 totally ordered全递归函数 totally recursive function完全正则变换 totally regular transformation切触 touch迹数;描迹;追踪 trace可迹类;有迹算子 trace class迹条件 trace condition迹函数 trace function方阵(算子)的迹 trace of a matrix (an operator)元素的迹 trace of an element线的截迹 trace of line面的截迹 trace of surface迹范数 trace-norm追迹点 tracing point语际翻译 版权所有
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