- 群论英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 轨道空间 orbit space
- 轨道运动 orbit-motion
- 轨道稳定性 orbital stability
- 阶;级;次;序;顺序;零化子;商原 order
- 指令码 order code
- 序函数 order function
- 序同态;保序同态 order homomorphism
- 零化理想 order ideal
- 序同构;保序同构 order isomorphism
- 顺序极限 order limit
- 指序编号 order number
- 线汇的阶 order of a congruence
- 遮盖的阶 order of a covering
- 曲线的阶 order of a curve
- 行列式的阶 order of a determinant
- 微分方程的阶 order of a differential equation
- 群的阶 order of a group
- 排列的阶 order of a permutation
- 有理分式的阶 order of a rational fraction
- 奇异点的阶 order of a singular point
- 张量的阶 order of a tensor
- 不正常性的阶 order of abnormality
- 接触度 order of contact
- 连续性的阶数 order of continuity
- 无穷小的阶 order of infinitesimals