纤维映射 fibre mapping纤维 fibre{=fiber}虚构方程 fictitious equation虚构存在 fictitious existence虚构量 fictitious mass置信 fiducial置信分布 fiducial distribution置信区间 fiducial interval置信界限 fiducial limit体{代};集[如Borel体];场;(几)物};范围 field现场试验 field experiment代数函数体 field of algebraic functions系数体 field of coefficients常数域 field of constants极值曲线场 field of extremals分式体 field of fractions积分范围 field of integration线场 field of lines点场 field of paints幂级数体 field of power series商体(有理数体) field of quotients (rational numbers)切向量场 field of tangent vectors体论 field theory赋值体 field with valuation垜积数;形数 figurate number 语际翻译 版权所有
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