椭圆模函数 elliptic modular function椭圆模群 elliptic modular group椭圆运动 elliptic motion椭圆型非欧几何 elliptic non-Euclidean geometry椭圆抛物面 elliptic paraboloid回转的椭圆抛物面 elliptic paraboloid of revolution椭圆型;偏微分方程 elliptic partial differential equation椭性圆素 elliptic pencil of circle椭圆平面 elliptic plane椭圆平面几何 elliptic plane geometry椭圆点 elliptic point椭圆型问题 elliptic problem椭圆直射 elliptic projevtivity椭圆型二次曲面 elliptic quadratic surface椭圆型Riemann曲面 elliptic Riemann surface椭圆扇形 elliptic sector椭圆空间 elliptic space椭圆变换 elliptic transformation椭圆摆线 elliptic trochoid椭圆型Riemann曲面 elliptic type of Riemann surface伸长度;伸长 elongation嵌入分量 embedded component嵌寝 embedding经验假定 empirical assumption经验常数 empirical constant语际翻译 版权所有
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