- 群论英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 四次圆纹曲面 bicircular surface
- 紧致{注:现在都只用compact} bicompact
- 互余集[合] bicomplementary set
- 双条件的 biconditional
- 双向连续函数;同胚函数 bicontinuous function
- 双向连续映射;同胚映射 bicontinuous mapping
- 双三次内挿值 bicubic interpolation
- 双对角线矩阵 bidiagonal matrix
- 双因子论 bifactor theory
- 双线悬垂 bifilar suspension
- 双拐结点 biflecnode
- 二次曲面的二焦点弦 bifocal chord of a quadric
- 分歧 bifurcate
- 分歧 bifurcation
- 歧点 bifurcation point
- 分歧理论 bifurcation theory
- 双阶化的恰当偶对 bigraded exact couple
- 双阶化群 bigraded group
- 重调和边[界]值的问题 biharmonic boundary value problem
- 重调和方程(函数、算子)译成「双调合方程」 biharmonic equation (function;operator)
- 双向全纯的 biholomorphic
- 单盖射;对射{参看injection嵌射;单射surjection盖射} bijection
- 单盖射的;对射的{=injective and surjective或one-one and onto] bijective
- 双侧Laplace变换 bilateral Laplace transformation
- 双侧曲面 bilateral surface