- 泛函分析专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 弱不连续性 weak discontinuity
- 弱极值 weak extremum
- 弱同调群 weak homology group
- 弱积分 weak integral
- 弱大数 weak law of large numbers
- 弱准素 weak primary
- 弱相对极小 weak relative minimum
- 弱奇异性 weak singularity
- 弱解 weak solution
- 弱稳定性 weak stability
- "泛弱(位相...)注:又常用记号""ω*""" weak star (topology;....)
- 弱拓朴 weak topology
- 弱单位元;弱么元 weak unit
- 弱变分 weak variation
- 较弱条件 weaker condition
- 弱紧致 weakly compact
- 弱连续随机过程 weakly continuous stochastic process
- 弱循环矩阵 weakly cyclic matrix
- 弱Hermite纯量积 weakly Hermitian scalar product
- 弱可测 weakly measurable
- 弱混合假设 weakly mixing hypothesis
- 弱单调函数 weakly monotonic function
- 弱平稳随机过程 weakly stationary stochastic process
- 二次曲线罗 web of conics
- 权;重;重量 weight