- 泛函分析专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (条件)收敛带 strip of (conditional) convergence
- 元素带 strip of element
- 带形区域 strip region
- 加横运算 stroke operation
- 强闸函数 strong barrier function
- 强收敛 strong convergence
- 强形变收缩核 strong deformation retract
- 强导数 strong derivative
- 强不连续性 strong discontinuity
- 强椭圆型 strong ellipticity
- 强切除性 strong excision property
- 强性极值 strong extremum
- 强大数法则 strong law of large numbers
- 强混合假设 strong mixing hypothesis
- 强斜反射 strong oblique reflection
- 强准质理想 strong primary ideal
- 强性相对极小 strong relative minima
- 强稳定性 strong stability
- 强拓扑 strong topology
- 强单峰 strong unimodal
- 强单位 strong unit
- 集函数的强上导出数 strong upper derivate of set-function
- 强性变分 strong variation
- 强连通复体 strongly connected complex
- 强连通矢图 strongly connected directed graph