- 泛函分析专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 移位函数 shifting function
- 移位算子 shifting operator
- 打靶法 shooting method
- 捷除法;短除法 short division
- 短正合序列 short exact sequence
- 短半径 short radius
- 短量程次 short range
- 短程稳定性 short range stability
- 短不偏信赖区间 short unbiased confidence interval
- 简捷算法 short-cut method
- 最短信赖区间 shortest confidence interval
- 最短距离 shortest distance
- 点间最短距离 shortest distance between points
- 最短途 shortest route
- 散粒噪音 shot noise
- 收缩映射 shrinking mapping
- 收缩变换 shrinking transformations
- 置换 shuffle
- 边;侧 side
- 侧高 side elevation
- 侧面 side face
- 三角形之边 side of a triangle
- 角的对边 side opposite an angle
- 筛法;逐步淘汰法 sieve method
- Eratosthenes(厄拉多塞)氏之筛 sieve of Eratosthenes