- 泛函分析专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 秩评定 ranking
- 快收敛 rapid convergence
- 遽降的 rapidly decreasing
- 稀疏 rarefaction
- 变化率 rate of change
- 收敛率 rate of convergence
- 比;比率 ratio
- 比率推定量 ratio estimate
- 比率极小化 ratio minimization
- 分割比 ratio of division
- 等比 ratio of equality
- 优比 ratio of greater inequality
- 劣比 ratio of less inequality
- 相似比 ratio of similitude
- 圆周率 ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter
- 比例尺度 ratio scale
- 比例检验法;检比法 ratio test
- 有理的 rational
- 有理分析 rational analysis
- 有理数逼近 rational approximation
- 有理典型简化 rational canonical reduction
- 有理曲线 rational curve
- 有理轮体 rational cycle
- 有理微分[方程]组 rational differential systems
- 有理可除性代数 rational division algebra