- 泛函分析专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 四元素环 ring of quaternions
- 有理整数环 ring of rational integers
- 右乘变换环 ring of right multiplications
- 环面 ring surface
- 具么环;具单位元环 ring with an identity
- 无根基环 ring without radical
- 赋环空间 ringed space
- 广环 ringoid
- 风险函数 risk function
- 设性{统} robustness
- 滚动角;倾斜角 roll angle
- 滚[动] rolling
- 滚线 rolling curve
- 根 root
- 根条件 root condition
- 根体 root field
- 根轨迹 root locus
- 根式检验法;检根法 root test
- 均方根 root-mean-square (R.M.S.)
- 均方根判别准则 root-mean-square criterion
- 均方根[误]差;标准差 root-mean-square deviation; error
- 根平方法 root-squaring method (process)
- 单位根 roots of unity
- 玫瑰线 rose curve
- 旋转向量场 rotated vector field