射影极小曲面 projective minimal surface射影模 projective module射影参数 projective parameter射影线束 projective pencils of lines射影面束 projective pencils of planes射影平面 projective plane射影性质 projective property射影点列 projective ranges of points射影关系 projective relation射影空间 projective space射影的;特殊么正(或单式)群 projective special unitary group射影纠纽群 projective symplectic group射影变换 projective transformation射影么正群;射影单式群 projective unitary group射影曲体 projective variety射影对应[性];射影[变换] projectivity长辐旋轮线;长辐摆线 prolate cycloid长椭球;长椭球面 prolate ellipsoid长球;长球面 prolate spheroid长球面坐标 prolate spheroidal coordinates长曳物线 prolate tractrix延长;拓展 prolongation证[明] proof穷举法 proof by exhaustion证明论 proof theory语际翻译 版权所有
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