- 泛函分析专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 等效法 method of equal effects
- 穷举法 method of exhaustion
- 外延抽象法 method of extensional abstraction
- 试位法 method of false position
- 有限差分法;定差法 method of finite difference
- 流数法;微分法 method of fluxions
- 分组法 method of grouping
- 归纳法 method of induction
- 观察法;视察法 method of inspection
- 插值法 method of interpolation
- 引入变量法 method of leading variables
- 最小二乘法;最小方差法 method of least square
- 优控函数法 method of majorant
- 极大似然法 method of maximum likelihood
- 均值法 method of mean value
- 矩量法 method of moment
- 扰动法;微扰法 method of perturbation
- 预报法 method of prediction
- 射影法 method of projection
- 求积法 method of quadrature
- 随机抽样法 method of random sampling
- 降维法 method of reduction of dimension
- 松弛法 method of relaxation
- 留数法 method of residue
- 相似轨道法 method of similar trajectories