- 泛函分析专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 纤维映射 fibre mapping
- 纤维 fibre{=fiber}
- 虚构方程 fictitious equation
- 虚构存在 fictitious existence
- 虚构量 fictitious mass
- 置信 fiducial
- 置信分布 fiducial distribution
- 置信区间 fiducial interval
- 置信界限 fiducial limit
- 体{代};集[如Borel体];场;(几)物};范围 field
- 现场试验 field experiment
- 代数函数体 field of algebraic functions
- 系数体 field of coefficients
- 常数域 field of constants
- 极值曲线场 field of extremals
- 分式体 field of fractions
- 积分范围 field of integration
- 线场 field of lines
- 点场 field of paints
- 幂级数体 field of power series
- 商体(有理数体) field of quotients (rational numbers)
- 切向量场 field of tangent vectors
- 体论 field theory
- 赋值体 field with valuation
- 垜积数;形数 figurate number