- 泛函分析专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 曲线的包络 envelope of curves
- 全纯(正则)包络 envelope of holomorph
- 曲面的包络 envelope of surfaces
- 旋动包络 envelope roulette
- 包络代数 enveloping algebra
- 包络环 enveloping ring
- 包络空间(面) enveloping space surface
- 圆外旋转线 epicycloid
- 盖图 epigraph
- 盖型{注:和monomorphism(嵌型)相对应;其关系如同surjection盖射;injection嵌射;bijection对射} epimorphism
- 长短幅圆外旋转线 epitrochoid
- ε链 epsilon chain
- ε符号 epsilon symbols
- 相等几何形 equal geometric figures
- 等根 equal roots
- 相等集 equal sets
- 相等;等式 equality
- 等式约束 equality constraints
- 等度连续 equally continuous
- 等距点 equally spaced points
- 相等约束 equated constraints
- 等化系数 equating coefficients
- 方程 equation
- 线坐标方程 equation in line coordinates
- 面坐标方程 equation in plane coordinates