- 泛函分析专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 误差界限 bounds on error
- 盒;单元 box
- 大括号;纽括号 brace
- 捷线;最速降线 brachistochrone
- 括号;方括[号] bracket
- 换位运算;括号运算 bracket operation
- 固有值之画界 bracketing of eigenvalue
- 画界定理 bracketing theorem
- 枝;分枝;支路 branch
- 分枝线 branch curve
- 分枝切割 branch cuts
- 支路方程;支线方程 branch equation
- 分枝指令;分岔指令;转移指令 branch instruction
- 枝线 branch line
- 分枝法 branch method
- 环道分岔 branch of a circuit
- 分枝阶数;转移阶数 branch order
- 分枝点;歧点 branch point
- 支奇点;分歧性奇点 branch point singularity
- 分枝带;分枝长条 branch strip
- 分枝限界法 branch-bound method=branch-bounding method
- 渡线 branch-cut bridge
- 分枝点;分歧点 branching point
- 衍生过程 branching process
- 分割点讯息 branchpoint information